Domain Registration

Secure your domain name in South Africa and beyond.

How long does domain registration take?

Enter your company name or a word of interest below and click on the Find New Domain button. Domain registration takes approximately 10 - 15 minutes from start to finish.

Find A Memorable Name

Register The Name

Add Website & Email

How to check domain registration?

Using the domain search tool, enter the name for a website or email domain that you would like to register. This is usually your company name or idea keyword.

What is private registration for domain?

Domain Privacy is a feature offered by Domain Registrars that will hide the Domain Registrant's personal details. Registrars are now compelled to redact these details by default for Registrants.

Who owns the domain registration?

Registrants never own the domain name. An application is made to the Registry to register and make use of the domain as long as the Registrant pays the domain fees.